Feb. 24, 2025

Here's to hitting bottom! - EP66

Here's to hitting bottom! - EP66

Have you hit bottom? Are you afraid of hitting bottom? Are you hitting bottom right now? Are you afraid of hitting bottom again?  Any and all of these questions are touched upon in this episode with the intention of reminding you that hitting...

Have you hit bottom? Are you afraid of hitting bottom? Are you hitting bottom right now? Are you afraid of hitting bottom again? 
Any and all of these questions are touched upon in this episode with the intention of reminding you that hitting bottom is a fabulous opportunity to begin the ascent up and out of suffering :) 
Take a listen and here's to being inspired to embrace the impact of the bottom when it comes, rather than avoiding it only to most likely find yourself in the same spot over and over again ;)
Instead use that bottom as a springboard into a new phase of life!

Lifeline (988lifeline.org)

Eagle Valley Hope Center:
Your Hope Center:

YOUR 24/7 SUPPORT LINE: (970) 306-4673

I LOVE Ebay!! I've had an online shop for over 15 years! My podcast is proudy sponsored by SHYGIRL'S SHOP :) | eBay Stores I'm always in the process of rebuilding my inventory :)

1 Million Strong - Supporting 1 Million People in Recovery

High Country Infusion And Wellness : Ketamine Treatment In Frisco, CO

My friend Alex introduced me to the world of podcasting and was the catalyst in my creating a podcast of my own! Below is his podast ;)

The Builders Journey - A behind the scenes look at the Vail, Colorado and its surrounding communities through the eyes of a builder.

My intro & outro music came from the endless archives of Pond5!!
Are you interested in Pond5's incredible catalog of music, sounds and videos for your own podcast? Use my link for 20% off your first order! 


Michael Singer 8 Week Course: Living From a Place of Surrender – Michael Singer Course

Michael Singer Podcast - Sounds True

The Power of Now - Wikipedia

Pema Chödrön Foundation – Wisdom for a Courageous Life

Why hitting rock bottom can be good for you

Rock Bottom Realities: How Hitting the Lowest Low Can Bring Clarity — Rock Bottom Hope

Interested in checking out some of the books I've mentioned in any of my episodes?  
If so check out Audible or Amazon to find what your lookin' for :) AND feel free to use the links below to explore membership options available on Audible :)

Try Audible Premium Plus and Get Up to Two Free Audiobookshttps://amzn.to/3JckYp5


